Linda: The Rush to Shame

“A baby is a little bit of heaven on earth.”~ Unknown.

News broke out this week that selective/ biased blogger Linda Ikeji put to bed. I congratulate her on this achievement of becoming a mother. Surely, it’s not an easy journey but the joy of bringing forth a child and watching that child grow is well worth the pregnancy journey.

One thing I do want to talk about is several statements Linda Ikeji made after the birth of her son. She stated “I pushed only twice,” “in less than two minutes baby J was born.” “The nurses were impressed.” I have this to say about those statements she made ” shame on you Linda Ikeji.” As a new mother you might not get that motherhood is not about competition of how long you pushed or if you gave birth via C-section. Motherhood is about birthing a child regardless of the method or the number of pushes. Motherhood is about unconditional love to a child who has done nothing to deserve your love and affection except coming from the depths of your body and soul. If you think you can start this journey of motherhood by comparing your birth process to that of the next woman, then you truly are not ready for the journey you have embarked on. And the nurses you so “impressed” have moved on to the next patient and forgotten about you and your two pushes.

I find it amazing how a blogger who preaches celibacy and shades single mothers on her blog can go nine months without letting her fans and enemies alike know who her “husband” is but was very quick to tell us how many times she pushed for her baby to come out. Now don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong in being a single mother. Being a single Single mother is commendable because a woman single-handedly cares and caters for all of the child’s needs when the father of the child runs away from his parental responsibility. This blogger though is known for her “platform” which is celibacy and marriage before children. But interestingly enough her blog readers are yet to meet the man responsible for making her a mother but she is always ranting about her “husband.”

Dear Linda Ikeji, there is nothing wrong in being a single mother but there are so many things wrong in thinking you can start this motherhood journey by making other mothers feel their birth story is not good enough or they are not strong enough because unlike you, they pushed for hours. Focus on being a good single mother to your son because this motherhood journey never ends.

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